Slipp Nott | Courtclean to improve players traction on gym floors.

Slipp Nott System will remove dirt, dust and build up on shoes, simply by walking on and off the sticky sheets.  This will help players have better floor traction when they are playing on the court.
Courtclean is a Damp Mop System that will help keep your gymnasium floor to top playing conditions.   Clean your hardwood floor surface area clean with ease.  The Courclean will also help maintain and protect hardwood floor finishes.


Slipp Nott | Courtclean

Courtclean Accessories



Slipp-Nott System


Slipp Nott | Courtclean

Slipp Nott – Custom



Mueller B Sharp


Slipp Nott | Courtclean

Courtclean KeyClean System


Chairs | Stools | Score Tables

Courtside Runner

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Chairs | Stools | Score Tables

Gym Floor Runners

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